1. The preferred or top selection among all options.
2. Indicating the highest or greatest quality, rank, or skill.
3. Of the highest quality or excellence; the very best.
3. The highest position or ranking in a competition or category.
4. The contestant or competitor who is most likely to win.
5. Slang for 'number one', representing the top or best position.
6. Exercising supreme control or influence, being the most powerful.
7. Exceptionally good, distinguished, or impressive.
8. The ultimate winner or top-performer in a contest or event.
9. First in importance, rank, or position; leading or finest.
10. French term for the very best; the highest pinnacle.
11. The premier or leading position among competitors or contestants.
12. The best or highest-quality grade; top-notch or first-rate.
13. An expert or highly skilled person who excels in a particular field.
14. The individual or group that comes in first and achieves victory.